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You are about to embark on a 6-week journey towards understanding, integrating, and implementing the sacred codes you have been downloading and activating in your system. This is a process of both discovery and acceptance so please allow yourself time and grace each week to really reflect on what comes through you.

Chances are most of us have an innate knowing surrounding how we have been activated and what it means, the struggle comes with the ability to sit in the uncomfortable and combat the resistance that will show up time and time again in the effort to keep social conditioning at bay, in turn returning you to a lower vibrational frequency and old paradigm concepts.

The purpose there is to create clarity in the chaos and acknowledge what is ours by Divine right, claiming the highest functioning version of ourselves in a sustainable and implementable way. Each week we will moved through a portion of spiritual awakening/ upgrade embodiment experiences and absorb them as our new reality, clearing anything that would hold us in resistance, and choosing to take an active role in our becoming.

You are seen as you are most sacred, and your spirit is undeniably supported.

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To get started - click on the image below to open the work for the week.

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You are seen as you are most sacred, and your spirit is undeniably supported.