The Miss Jordan

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Congratulations you brave human and curious spirit!

The very fact that you ended up on this page means that you are embracing the guidance of the Universe. Most likely you experienced a DNA Upgrade Activation calling forth the highest possible version of yourself in this life, and now your system is looking for a way to help you understand and support what you experienced and what’s yet to come.

The Divine is gifting us with shifts regularly, and they are ours for the taking. Many of us become motivated or inspired temporarily after one of these “activations” yet return to playing small. The most common reason for this is that we don’t properly integrate and embody our upgrades.

This is an invitation to take a 6-week journey to better understand what you’re experiencing and what to do with it. YOU are very special and you are here for a purpose. Join us in this integration program carefully design to affirm that you are seen, you are loved, and you are supported.